Spouses filing taxes jointly make a very special commitment. Aside from being already committed to marriage, joint filing makes them jointly and severally liable for those taxes, or any problems. This can create a significant problem when one spouse runs afoul of the tax laws. Why? It can drag the other spouse into the matter, unless you can convince the IRS to grant “innocent spouse relief.” Luckily, what was once very tricky might now be much easier to achieve. An article from Forbes last month is worth a look, as it details how the IRS may have lowered the bar for innocent spouse relief. Essentially, a new memorandum from the IRS has issued a set of eight factors to weigh for the determination of the need for spousal relief. With these new criteria (such as “economic hardship” and “nonrequesting spouses legal obligation”) the playing field is that much more level for spouses dragged into a sticky situation. If you (or someone you know) want to know more, check out the original article which provides more details on what relief is available and how to obtain it.
Reference: Forbes (January 29, 2012) “IRS Lowers Bar for Innocent Spouse Relief”